Us at Hearst CastleKissing/Eating Billi's HeadUs at Billi's Mom's weddingAfter we got EngagedIn Seattle at the Ferry Terminal

The Journal

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Flower Girl and Ring Bearer outfits

February 21, 2010

I found our flower girl and ring bearer outfits for about $40 each (that’s the best part!) I was able to find both at the same store, which means they will match each other perfectly! Bronwen’s dress is adorable, and she will have a white shawl to go over it. How adorable is this…

Thomas will wear a matching blue linen shirt with the sleeves rolled up and linen pants to match the big boys. :) He will also wear Reefs to match the boys, but his have a strap on the back so his little feet can keep them on. So cute!

Now if stores would just start carrying their summer lines so I can find my bridesmaid dresses!


Save the Dates

January 4, 2010

So much for the writing every week thing. :P I have made quite a bit of progress. I bought my dress (yea!) and picked colors for the bridesmaids. We’re going with cornflower blue dresses from David’s Bridal and saffron sandals from Sseko Designs (see the fabric below). This awesome company was started in Uganda as a way for women preparing for university to make money to attend school. Most jobs are given to men, so this company has provided such an amazing opportunity for these women. Check them out online!


We also practiced making our favors when I was home. Using my grandmother’s recipe, we plan to make cookies that are beach themed. The finished products in the picture below are what we will model our final cookies after. The unfinished product picture is the reason why my mom will not be asked to help. ;)

cookies 1

Palm Tree Cookie Donella's attempt at helping

Kurtis and I have been working on our Save the Dates and hope to send them out this weekend. We went to a photo booth tonight to complete our project. This is our first attempt at the many DIY projects this wedding will entail, so hopefully this goes well! :)



October 21, 2009

Ah, the journal. The place where I (Billi) get ridiculously excited about things like finding the perfect cookie cutter for the favors (which I did, from a store in Coeur d’Alene, of all places). I don’t promise to update this often, but for those of you bored with Facebook, I hope to give you another outlet at least once a week or so. :) Come back often!

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